As a last minute decision, we chose to go to the Delaware County Fair. My cousin typically takes her son so we decided to tag along. Delaware County is about thirty-five minutes from Columbus but it’s a beautiful drive (and gave us something different to fill our time during those dragging evening hours.)
We arrived around 6:15, walked for fifteen minutes (we parked in the wrong spot and ended up having to carry the kiddos – eek.)
After ten minutes of looking for my cousin, we finally found her and jumped in a ticket line. Charlotte and Hudson wanted to ride the ferris wheel!
From the moment Charlotte sat down, you could visibly see tension on her face. The ride worker locked the handlebar and she started screaming that she wanted off and I quote, “Mommy when I tell you I don’t like something, I mean I don’t like it!!”
After one time around, she exited the ferris wheel (and was given back her two tickets) stating that she wanted to try one more ride – the stationary cars (that go round and round.) I double checked that this was the decision she wanted to make.
Once again, not a great choice. The ride lasted around three minutes and every one of those seconds was spent crying, asking to get off.
I’d say the cotton candy was the saving grace of the evening. The kids loved it and we even allowed Martin to have a little taste.
We didn’t have the greatest time, a measly thirty-five minutes in all, but it was most definitely a memorable night.