Happy Birthday to our bubbly, witty, strong, silly, independent FOUR year old. Watching you grow is a gift.
For the past couple of years, I have opted out of having a large party to celebrate birthdays. It’s chaotic, stressful and, frankly, quite pricey. After Charlotte’s second birthday (which turned out to be somewhat of a disaster on my part), I told Marty I only wanted to throw big celebrations on the ‘milestone’ birthdays (1,5,10,13,16,18…you get the idea.) While some may disagree with this, I find it lines up with my minimalist tendencies. While a celebration is definitely required on these days, I don’t think an all-out party is necessary. #birthdaygrinch
That said, we had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of Charlotte Rose yesterday. She began othe day with sprinkles in her cereal, opened her gifts from us and watched ‘Frozen’ after church (instead of her typical quiet time spent in her room.) After Martin’s nap, we headed over to my parents house (where we typically go on Sunday nights) and enjoyed a nice family dinner and birthday cake. It was a low-key day but our girl certainly felt loved.